UX London presented by Clearleft

15th17th June 2009 Cumberland Hotel, London

Information Architecture: Just the Essentials

Day 2 9:00am12:30am

This half-day workshop will cover the essential aspects of Information Architecture. No filler, no fluff, just pure IA:

  • How classification and categorisation work in our brain, and why it matters.
  • How to identify potential organisation methods for your content.
  • When organisation schemes such as geography, task, audience and subject work best (and tricks to make them work).
  • How to design an organisation scheme that works for your users.
  • The best navigation approach for your content.

This won’t be a dry, theoretical workshop. We’ll talk and play some games. You’ll go away with a better understanding of the essentials of information architecture, techniques to use on your next project and a comprehensive list of resources for follow-up reading.

UX London has finished …for now. Thanks to everyone who attended.